Saturday, November 5, 2005

Naked Photographer (KARE 11 (Lawyer attorney)

Naked Photographer (KARE 11 Minneapolis-St. Paul)
Columbus, Ohio - The "naked photographer" says he'll now be a better lawyer. Attorney Stephen Linnen faces disbarment after serving jail time for being the nude guy who was stalking women. Prosecutors charged a nude Linnen would jump from behind bushes and take pictures of the women he startled.

Uncontradicted? Say what? (Arkansas News Bureau)
Legislators can read, possibly excepting one or two, and it was a sentence on page 72 of the masters' report that got their attention.

Hunting campaigners lose appeal against ban (
Nine Law Lords on Thursday unanimously ruled against their challenge in which the Countryside Alliance claimed that the Hunting Act, which bans hunting with dogs, was invalid.

The very long arm of the law (Haaretz Daily)
Hedge fund manager Boaz Manor is in a thorny situation after fleeing from Canada to Israel after Portus Alternative Asset Management, the Canadian hedge fund group he headed, went into receivership.

Uncontradicted? Say what? (Arkansas News Bureau)
Legislators can read, possibly excepting one or two, and it was a sentence on page 72 of the masters' report that got their attention.

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